But Doctor, I don’t……

Food addiction

People tell me that they do not use add sugar to their drinks anymore, that they avoid juice and fizzy drinks …But where is all the sugar coming from? Most people eat sugar in the form of carbohydrate. This can lead to problems like gaining weight, poor diabetes control, overeating, sugar cravings, binge eating. Let’s …

Don’t eat your emotions

Emotional eating

I love Bridget Jones. I read all the books and when I heard that Réene Zellweger and Colin Firth were going to co-star the films I couldn’t hide my excitement. They are both perfectly cast. The books and films tell the story of Bridget Jones, a single woman in her thirties. The story tells the …

Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, the Icelandic pioneer

Meet the experts

Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir is a pioneer in the field of food addiction treatment. Once an opera singer and opera teacher, Esther was battling food addiction for most of her adult life until she discovered a twelve step program that changed her life. Once in recovery, she open one of the first food addiction treatment programs …

What is an addictive personality?

Food addiction

An addictive personality can make addiction more likely. Addictions can come in a wide range of forms, including food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, exercise, pornography, shopping, internet and more. These substance or behaviours can give a ‘high’ or a ‘kick’ if repeated often enough. They turn into pleasurable activities that help the addict cope with stress, …

50% OFF Food Addiction and Medical Assessment

Food addiction

 New Year and already thinking about starting a new diet? How many have you tried to date? Want to stop obsessing about food and weight once and for all? Why not try something different this year?  Dieting is only a temporary solution for a very complex problem that doesn’t resolve with just “eating less and …

Bitten Jonsson, the Swedish warrior

Meet the experts

Bitten Jonsson is a world-renowned trainer of Sugar Addiction Counsellors, with nearly 40 years of experience in addiction medicine and treatment. Based in Sweden, Bitten is a registered nurse, addiction specialist and authorized provider of SUGAR® / ADDIS® diagnostic assessments and training. Her expertise spans the full range of addiction screening and diagnostic assessment to …

Food Junkies: The Truth about Food Addiction by Vera Tarman

Book Reviews

Dr Vera Tarman is a family doctor based in Toronto. She is the medical director of Renascent, an addiction treatment centre that until recently was one of the few inpatient treatment centres for food addiction in the world. Dr Tarman specialises in the innovative field of food addiction, she runs workshops, lectures, and other events …